Saturday, October 01, 2005


The World Health Organization (or Organisation in England) is concerned about a strain of influenza (a bird virus) that could infect and potentially kill between 5 and 150 Million people worldwide. It has demonstrated a mortality rate exceeding 57%.

The United States Dep't of Health and Human Services reports that there is a drug believed to effectively treat infection. However, the US government had not ordered enough of the antiviral drug Tamiful to treat even just First Repsonders and US Military Personnel. Why not? Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, Michael Leavitt, says "I don't know the answer." He further explains that we are "not as prepared as we need to be." Worse, the US is "nowhere near the top" of the waiting list for that medication.

Although a vaccine may become available, expect at least a six-month delay, during which time it is predicted that 200,000 flu deaths could occur.

The preparations actually undertaken include plans that portions of cities may be quarentined and stadiums may be converted to "make-shift hospitals."


Did they not learn from the Flu vaccine shortage just last year?

Is the government prepared for anything? Since we can't rely on the government, how do we prepare ourselves?

With a bigger and more expensive government, have you ever, in your lifetime, felt less able to look to the US government for help in a disaster?


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