Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Ken Starr Fabricates Evidence to Free a Convicted Murderer

Ken Starr, a former federal Appeals Court Judge, is best known for his role as the special investigator in the Clinton Whitewater controversy, and then, of course, pursuing the Monica Lewinsky issue. Now, however, he is the Dean of Pepperdine's Law School.

Starr criticized President Clinton because, as he put it, the President "chose deception."

Friday, cnn reported that "Lawyers for a death row inmate, including . . . Kenneth Starr, sent fake letters from jurors asking California's governor to spare the man's life."

When the jurors were shown the letters that were supposedly sent by them, they all denied that the letters were theirs. The article goes on to say that, "On Friday, the San Joaquin District Attorney's office sent [Gov.] Schwarzenegger a new batch of sworn statements from five of those jurors saying they not only still supported capital punishment for Morales, but had never spoken with the defense investigator who claimed to have secured their signatures."

So much for the ultra-conservative Ken Starr being tough on crime.


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