Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Fossil Evidence

It is becoming more and more difficult to argue against evolution based on an incomplete fossil record. Today, an international team of scientists reprots that it has discovered fossils of a primitive human ancestor in Ethiopia.

The discovery of these "4.1 million year old fossils in eastern Ethiopia [fills] a missing gap in human evolution" between some of the most primitive bipedal humans and their more primate-like ancestors. The fossils are dated by their location in the geologic strata as well and are subjected to radiological dating procedures.

The fossils provides confirmation of our current understanding of the timing of human evolutionary progression both in the presence of bipedal mobility and the retention of a more primate-like cranial structure.

"The remains of the hominid that had a small brain, big teeth and walked on two legs, fits into the one million-year gap between the earlier Ardipithecus and Australopithecus afarensis which includes the famous fossil skeleton known as Lucy."


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