I just read two news stories about politics.
The first one discusses how the Republicans have termed a class loyal voters for the right as "values voters." After the last election, the Republican party excitedly proclaimed themselves the stewards or morality. Clearly, in light of all of the corruption scandals, lies and misrepresentations, their eagerness to use torture, their eagerness to go to war, and their disregard of the consumer in favor of multibillion dollar industries, this was not true.
The next story I read sealed the deal. It's all about self interest.
Bill Conrad (R) is running for the CA state Assembly. In the upcoming primary, he is running against fellow Republican Tom Berryhill. Berryhill had a heart transplant six years ago. Conrad has concluded that this is an important election issue and below is the mailing he has used to pursuade voters to support him over the obviously unqualified Berryhill.
Which candidate is the one who lacks the heart? This, from the party with the monopoly on morality. There is no integrity here.
Why did Tom Berryhill need a Heart Transplant?
First he said it was a congenital heart defect!
Now he says it was agricultural Chemicals:
Berryhill, 52, said his heart problems stemmed from exposure to pesticides and herbicides while working on his family's farm.
Chicago Sun Times - http://www.suntimes.com/output/elect/cst-nws-die24.html
Exhaustive research on farm chemicals used over the last 50 years reveals no chemical capable of selectively attacking only cardiac (heart) muscle. Most organophosphate insecticides and other herbicides cause generalized myopathies that lead to paralysis and death. If treated and the patient survives, they recover.
The most common cause found for the heart condition Mr. Berryhill describes in his statement on the California Pacific Medical Center website is long term cocaine use.
Want a third try at an excuse Mr. Berryhill?
Voters demand you release your medical records and have a doctor come forward to verify why such a young man really needed a heart transplant!
Those are some remarkable allegations. I do not know whether any of the statements in there are true, and I do not advocate one candidate over the other - I merely wrote this post to demonstrate an absurd campaign tactic.
Thank you for your thorough response.
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