Thursday, November 10, 2005

The Pulse of the People

Dover Pennsylvania School Board, who is currently a defendant in litigation over teaching intelligant design, saw eight of its nine seats face election this week. All eight seats were won by candidates running specifically on an anti-intelligent design platform in a town where 70% of registered voters are Republican.

This would certainly indicate that the public disfavors teaching intelligent design in public schools, and not for any hostility toward religion. Upon learning of their victories, the candidates, gathered at the home of one of the candidates, "cheered, shed tears, [and] prayed." One supporter, Jill Reiter, explained “My kids believe in God. I believe in God. But I don’t think it belongs in the science curriculum." Further, the spokesman for the coalition of candidates is himself a Reverand.

Other sentiments, however, still prevail. Pat Robertson warned Dover citizens that "if there is a disaster in your area, don't turn to God, you just rejected Him from your city." Speaking directly to the voting citizens of Dover on behalf of God he continued with his assertion to them that: "you just voted God out of your city" and if you find yourselves having problems "don't ask for His help because he might not be there."


At 9:14 AM, November 13, 2005, Blogger Melissa said...

It's time for Pat to retire.

I wonder if this group of board members and their supporters find that the whole Intelligant Design theory dilutes their belief system.


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