Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Transgender Teacher Allowed to Teach

When a school district decided to allowed a post-op transgender to resume teaching, many members of the community objected.

Among the complaints of some parents were:

- That children in the school -- which consists of kindergarten through sixth grade -- were not old enough to understand the concept of changing one's gender.

- One parent was "am appalled to have this issue brought into [his] child's psychology."

- Another parent predicted "chaos" at the school.

- Some, [laughably,] asserted that young children will be confused by the conflicting appearance of the teacher, who has a deep voice and masculine features but otherwise looks like a woman. (Who hasn't had that teacher?)

Too bad parents don't get in such an uproar when they hear that this countries children continue to lag behind other countries when it comes to quality of education. I guess as long as they aren't exposed to evolution and sexuality who cares what they learn, if they learn at all.


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