Sunday, May 28, 2006

Gov't Interest in Your Internet Habits

Imagine if the entire history of your internet viewing on your computer were retained and turned over to the government? Does that seem, to you, like a "Big Brother" scenario?

Not to the Bush administration who hopes to see it become business as usual.

"U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and FBI Director Robert Mueller on Friday urged telecommunications officials to record their customers' Internet activities."

"The Bush administration had generally opposed laws requiring data retention, saying it had 'serious reservations' about them. But after the European Parliament last December approved such a requirement for Internet, telephone and voice over Internet Protocol providers, top administration officials began talking about the practice more favorably."

When did the Bush Administration decided to begin adopting policies favored by Europe? Clearly the US is inherently behind the times with regard to restricting the freedoms of its own citizens.


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