Sunday, November 13, 2005

Suppression of Dissent

A blog called "Dr. Sanity" posted its "psychological assesment" of anyone who hates Bush. The following series of quotes originally comprise a single paragraph that I have broken up merely to interject my own thoughts and interpretation.

They argue: "the psychology of some of the Bush Haters is pretty cut and dried. They hate Bush because he stands between them and the implementation of their collectivist "utopian" vision."

I know nothing of this "collectivist 'utopian' agenda" and they don't explain, but let's read on.

The author then states: "I have no time to waste on them, except to note that their intentions are deliberately and decidedly malevolent toward this country."

Thus, they equate 'hating Bush' with hating America and wishing harm upon it. Let's read on.

"They want it to fail at anything and everything it does and they openly cheer for the barbarians at the gate."

Who are these people who have "cheered" terrorists "at the gate?" I've heard nothing of this before. Certainly they are not speaking about those who carry out the the acts because that would be redundant to say that they cheer themselves, besides it is not the terrorists who they claim have a "collectivist utopian agenda."

"They are indistinguishable from the barbarians we are actively fighting."

If you 'hate' Bush you are "indistinguishable from" a terrorist.

They never explain what constitutes hating Bush. To what extent may I disagree before you label me or any other American a terrorist?

The mantra of the right is and has always been "you are with us or you are against us." To the Bush/righty sycophants, that means if you are not fully aligned with their agenda, you too are the enemy.

I contend that this attitude is dangerous. Consider the words of Nazi Reichsmarshall and Luftwaffe-Chief, Herman Goering "the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to greater danger."


At 5:13 PM, November 13, 2005, Blogger John said...

One would think that a strong philosophy or government could withstand some dissent. Furthermore, criticism does not equate with hate for if it did most parents would be facing child abuse charges.


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