Sunday, May 28, 2006

The Most Important Issues Facing America?

When asked what the most important issues this country faces right now Senate Majority Leader, Bill Frist says flag burning and gay marriage.

Is this political pandering and manipulation by Frist and his fellow republicans attempting to dictate what the election year issues will be? It seems clear to me.

Incidentally, the only countries that now ban flag burning are Cuba, Iran, and China.
Would an anti-flag burning Constitutional Amendment ban only burning the American flag?

Should it be criminal if Americans are insulted but acceptible for Americans to impart precisely the same insult against others, even to foreigners who live in America - is that consitent with the principles of the founding fathers? Or, would it be illegal to burn any country's flag? Is the activity so inherently dangerous that peace cannot be maintained without imposing criminal sanctions against all who perform it?

These two Constitutional Amendments are improper, in my view, because the Constitution is a document that 1) limits the power of government and 2) elaborates the rights of the people that cannot be infringed by the government. Both of these Proposed Amendments seek to place limitations of the rights of the people.


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