"Us" versus Them
Some on the right have a strong desire to retain a division between the "haves" and "have-nots." We consistently find that policy and attitudes from the right pursue such a doctrine of exclusion and preservation of a caste system based on socioeconomic status.
Consider Higher Education
Our tax dollars fund public institutions of higher education and yet many still cannot afford to go, most cannot afford without financial aid. Bush and Congress are now seeking to reduce funding for education and funding for federal student loans. This means that tuition costs will rise, state taxes to fund these institutions may rise, and fewer people will be able to get loans. While every taxpayer will be putting more into education, only those who can pay out of their own pockets will be able to attend these "public" schools.
A conservative radio talk show host, Michael Medved argued that there is no justification for having the government subsidize student loans at all.
Isn't a more educated population better for the whole country?
When Bush Administration officials said that outsourcing jobs was "a good thing" they based their argument on the idea that those are unskilled jobs, and that skilled jobs will remain. Yet, we also see Bush's policy that only those Americans who can themselves afford the training for such skilled positions have a place in this America.
The average person is left to fend for himself.
Propaganda of Division and Exclusion
Pundits on the right claim that the "leftist elite" is condescending toward the average American and doesn't respect them. We see however, from FoxNews and other sources, that if you disagree with them, you too, have no place in their America.
Consider Sean Hannity's book "Deliver us from Evil," the evil he argues against is not only terrorism but also "the modern Democratic Party," "leftists," and "liberalism." Hannity would have you believe that nearly half of congress and half of the voting US public are in fact "Evil" by the nature of their ideas.
(Ironically, the cover of Hannity's book has a picture of him with the Statue of Liberty over his right shoulder, I'm not sure whether he thanks the French for their gift to the United States in his book or not.)
Ann Coulter has written several books on the subject as well. Her book "Treason" which does not discuss the impropriety of giving the names of under cover intelligence agents to the media for publication as political revenge, but instead argues that “Liberals have a preternatural gift for always striking a position on the side of treason.” Coulter says, “Everyone says liberals love America, too. No, they don’t.”
Another point of irony, accusing someone of a crime that one know's the accused did not commit is slander, which happens to me the name of Coulter's previous book, so I guess she must know what she is talking about.
A newer book by the same author is called "How to Talk to a Liberal (if you must)." It was the right saying that the left was condescending wasn't it?
Either the righties aren't listening to what they are saying or they are satirical geniuses.
Us versus Them
Why is the right at war with the rest of America?
When Congressman Murtha, a 37 year veteran of the Marine Corps, sought for Congress to issue a resolution that American troops should be brought home as soon as practicable, the Republicans changed his resolution to a demand for immediate withdrawal and he was called a "coward" by Congresswoman, Jean Schmidt (R).
What happened to the popular mantra "Support the Troops?" Does that exclude veterans? It shouldn't.
I believe they do it because it makes money. How long do you think they would continue if their books were not bought and their shows were not attracting audiences?
The use of straw man (do you know any liberal that fits their description of a liberal?) and argument against the person fallacies works because it short circuits reason through the emotional appeals. Unfortunately, it also increases the feelings of division within the country.
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