Continued Persecution of Christians
At the University of Kansas a professor stepped down from his post as Department of Religious Studies chair after comments he made in an email to members of a student organization became public.
This professor was scheduled to teach a course next spring called "Special Topics in Religion: Intelligent Design, Creationism and other Religious Mythologies" in response to the recent changes in Kansas State Department of Education policy that will allow teaching of intelligent design in science classes.
In the email the professor stated that a course describing intelligent design as mythology would be a "nice slap in [religious fundamentalists'] big fat face."
One could obviously make a reasonable argument that his presentation of the material might be one-sided. Unquestionably a foolish thing to say knowing such statements could become public, and apparently a dangerous thing to say in America these days.
Driving early Monday morning, the Professor realized that he was being followed. He pulled over and two men stepped out of their truck and beat the professor with their fists and a metal object and made reference to the controverial course. The professor suffered bruises on his face and arms.
In investigating the attack, the Sheriff's office seized the professor's car, searched his office, and seized his computer. Perhaps the attackers are hiding in there.
Merry Christmas to the Free People of America!
Your blog has a lot of sited information, so I am working from the premise that is it is accurate and you do not editorialize which is refreshing and lends to the credibility of your site.
In reading all of this I feel the real issue is much more basic and much more submerged than the idea of ‘public displays of conviction.’ We as a nation are all to willing to socialize the morality and philosophical rearing of our children. Back to basics would solve it all. Beliefs are taught in the home, reinforced by the community and company you keep and beliefs that challenge your belief are tolerated and discussed in the home and the community.
I am Protestant because I was raised in a Protestant house by Protestant parents, I have knowledge of most other major religions and even find some portions of them admirable and valid, yet I find much of it unfortunate; regardless, I am a practicing Protestant in a Catholic community. Yet, I am not Baptist like my father nor AME Zion like my mother, I am United Methodist… so foundation and knowledge combined with public religious freedom can give rise to natural religious migration or evolution.
And after all the rearing and freedom of choice is done, the majority will rule, they must rule with tolerance and only if they do not rule with tolerance should law be invoked. It seems so simple in my middles class, non-political mind. I think we should address public displays of conviction with KISS.
Just my non violent non political opinion.
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